A below market value property is a property owned by a distressed seller who has probably fallen behind on mortgage payments and is looking to sell the property as soon as possible, even at a loss. These sellers are keen on getting rid of their properties at a price that is below market value in order to avoid repossession by the lending institution. Within the current economic climate many properties are available for sale at a below market value. However, locating these properties for purchase is a problem. Below market value lead services have come up in recent times to cater to this particular need.
Investors in below market value properties reap a host of benefits. Some of these benefits include immediate equity in the property purchased, prospects of appreciation and rental returns.
Instead of subscribing with a below market value lead service you can use the internet to find secure leads for such properties. Some websites like www.publicangel.com cater specifically to investors looking for below market value properties. These website provide sufficient details about the properties that are on sale, enabling investors to make an informed decision.