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New Homes in Lawton

Written by The Oaks Development Company

Owning your a home can constitute of several advantages. For instance, you would no longer need to pay monthly rents and you would be able to carry out renovation work and changes with the proper permits. Moreover, the house can be resold after several years at a higher rate than what you originally paid for. There are various homes Lawton opportunities on the market. The following considerations might be given a thought if you are interested in houses in Lawton OK.


If you are parents to younger kids, education the question of education would come first once you have decided to relocate. The city of Lawton proposes several public and elementary schools. The area also operates two prekindergarten centers, 24 elementary schools, four middle schools and three high schools. For higher studies, there is an arts and science academy which offer four-year programs. Over fifty degree programs are also offered by the Cameron University.


Lawton constitutes of three major hospitals. The Comanche County Memorial is the largest one in the region. The other hospitals are the Lawton Indian Hospital and the Southwestern Medical Center. These hospitals employs about 150 and 250 physicians each.


The area of Lawton is host to numerous annual attractions. One of them is the Prince of Peace Passion play. This is the longest running Easter play in the USA. Every year, in May, the city also hosts the Arts for All Festival which consists of various art competitions and procures some great live entertainment.

The Oaks Development Company advice and solutions for people seeking to acquire new homes Lawton.